Oct 1, 2023
min Read

How to Deliver Lead Magnet with Thrive Themes

Oct 1, 2023

Lead magnets are a great way to grab potential customers' attention and bring them into your sales funnel. These are things like eBooks, checklists, or templates that you offer in exchange for contact information. They’re a key part of any solid lead generation plan.

Ever heard of Thrive Themes when you search about lead magnets?  Thrive Themes makes it easy to create lead magnets, even if you're not super tech-savvy.

With tools like Thrive Architect and Thrive Leads, you can design lead magnets that look good and work well at turning visitors into leads. It's a top pick for marketers and sales teams who want to make their lead generation process easier.

So let’s dive in and get to know more about Thrive Themes!

Why Choose Thrive Themes for Lead Magnets?

Lead magnet tools should be easy to use and work well. Thrive Themes is a great choice amd here’s why: 

Easy to Use

Thrive Themes is designed for everyone, even if you’re not a tech expert. Its drag-and-drop editor makes it simple to create and customize lead magnets without any coding.

All-in-One Solution

Thrive Themes gives you everything you need in one place. You can design your lead magnet, set up opt-in forms, and automate the delivery all within the same platform.


Thrive Themes lets you tweak every part of your lead magnet. You can change the layout, colors, and buttons to match your brand perfectly. 

A/B Testing

Thrive Leads, one of the tools in the Thrive Themes suite, offers A/B testing. This means you can try out different versions of your lead magnets and see which one works best.

Easy Email Integration

Thrive Themes works well with popular email marketing tools like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and AWeber. This makes sure that leads you capture through your opt-in forms go straight into your email lists.

Setting Up Thrive Themes

Getting started with Thrive Themes is pretty simple, even if you're new to it. This guide will walk you through the basics.

How to Install Thrive Themes?

Step 1: Buying and Downloading Thrive Themes

First, go to the Thrive Themes website and make your purchase. After buying, you'll get a download link. Click it to download the ZIP file to your computer.

Step 2: Installing the Theme

Head over to your WordPress dashboard. Go to "Appearance" > "Themes" > "Add New," and click "Upload Theme." Select the Thrive Themes ZIP file you just downloaded and upload it. Once it's uploaded, click "Activate" to make it your active theme.

Step 3: Installing Thrive Plugins

Thrive Themes works best with its plugins like Thrive Architect and Thrive Leads. To install them, go to the "Thrive Dashboard" in WordPress, find the plugins you want, and click "Install." After they're installed, activate them to start using their full features.

Getting Familiar with the Thrive Themes Dashboard

After installing Thrive Themes, you'll want to get familiar with the Thrive Themes Dashboard. This is where you'll customize your website and manage lead generation.

Thrive Dashboard Overview

The Thrive Dashboard in WordPress gives you easy access to all Thrive products like Architect, Leads, and Optimize. Each one has its own section where you can adjust settings, find tutorials, and manage updates.

Key Sections

  • Theme Options: Set up global settings here, like typography, colors, and layouts that apply to your whole site.
  • Templates: Create and manage templates for different pages, like blog posts, landing pages, and sales pages.
  • Thrive Leads Dashboard: This is where you handle your opt-in forms and A/B tests. You can keep track of your lead generation efforts and make changes when needed.

How to Customize Your Thrive Theme?

Customization is where Thrive Themes really stands out. You can easily make sure your website looks great and matches your brand.

Using Thrive Theme Builder

Thrive Theme Builder is a drag-and-drop editor that lets you customize every part of your theme. You can create custom headers, footers, and page layouts without any coding. This is super helpful if you want your site to have a unique look.

Customizing Colors and Typography

Thrive Themes lets you set global colors and fonts to keep your site consistent. Go to "Appearance" > "Customize" to adjust these settings. Pick your brand’s colors and fonts, and they’ll apply automatically across your site.

Optimizing for Mobile

Since many people browse on mobile, it’s important that your lead magnets look good on all devices. Thrive Themes is built with mobile responsiveness in mind. You can preview and tweak how your site looks on mobile right in the Thrive Theme Builder.

Adding and Customizing Opt-In Forms

Thrive Leads gives you different opt-in form styles like pop-ups, slide-ins, and inline forms. Customize these to match your site’s design. You can also set up triggers for when the forms appear, like after a user scrolls a certain part of the page.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Lead Magnet with Thrive Themes

Creating a lead magnet with Thrive Themes is easy and effective. This guide will walk you through picking the right format, designing your lead magnet with Thrive Architect, and connecting it with opt-in forms using Thrive Leads.

Choosing the Right Format

First, decide what kind of content will grab your audience’s attention. The format should fit your goals and what your audience likes. Here are some popular options:

  • eBooks: Great for in-depth information. They cover a broad topic in detail and help you educate your audience while showing your expertise.
  • Checklists: Simple and quick to use. Checklists give actionable steps or guidelines, perfect for users who want practical advice fast.
  • Templates: Provide a ready-made framework or document that users can customize. These are valuable because they save time and are immediately useful.
  • Cheat Sheets: Like checklists but more compact. They summarize key points and are handy for quick reference.

Choose the format that best meets your audience’s needs and matches the information you want to share. For example, a sales team might find a checklist or template more useful, while a general audience might prefer an eBook.

Using Thrive Architect to Design the Lead Magnet

After picking the format, it’s time to design your lead magnet using Thrive Architect. Thrive Architect is a drag-and-drop page builder that makes designing easy.

  • Start a New Project: In your WordPress dashboard, go to "Thrive Dashboard" and select Thrive Architect. Click "Create New Project" to begin designing your lead magnet.
  • Choose a Template: Thrive Architect offers many pre-designed templates. Pick one that fits your needs. These templates can be fully customized—adjust colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand.
  • Customize the Content: Use the drag-and-drop editor to add your content. You can easily insert text boxes, images, and buttons. If you’re making an eBook or checklist, keep the layout clean and easy to read. For templates, include spaces where users can add their own information.
  • Add Visual Elements: Spice up your lead magnet with visuals that match your brand. Thrive Architect lets you easily add images, icons, and other graphics. Keep the design professional and attractive to engage your audience.
  • Save and Export: When you’re done, save your work. For downloadable content like eBooks or templates, export it as a PDF so it’s easy for users to access.

Integrating Opt-In Forms with Thrive Leads

The last step is to link your lead magnet with an opt-in form using Thrive Leads. This makes sure your lead magnet reaches your audience smoothly.

  • Create an Opt-In Form: In the Thrive Dashboard, go to "Thrive Leads" and click "Add New Lead Group." Choose the type of opt-in form you want, like a pop-up, slide-in, or inline form.
  • Customize the Form: Use the drag-and-drop editor to design your opt-in form. Make it visually appealing and consistent with your lead magnet’s style. Write clear and compelling copy that highlights the value of the lead magnet, encouraging visitors to sign up.
  • Set Up Triggers and Targeting: Thrive Leads lets you control when and where your opt-in form appears. For instance, you can set the form to show up when a visitor scrolls halfway down the page or is about to leave the site. You can also target specific pages or audience segments to make sure the right people see your offer.
  • Integrate with Email Marketing: Finally, connect your opt-in form to your email marketing service, like Mailchimp or ConvertKit. This automatically adds captured leads to your email list, making it easy to follow up with them.

Automating Lead Magnet Delivery

Once you've created your lead magnet, the next important step is making sure it gets to your audience quickly and easily. Thrive Themes has automation tools that help you deliver your lead magnet smoothly, making the whole process better for your users.

Here’s how to set it up.

Setting Up Automation in Thrive Themes

Automation makes your lead magnet delivery efficient. Thrive Themes works well with various email marketing services, allowing you to automatically send your lead magnet as soon as someone subscribes.

Integrate with Your Email Marketing Service

Start by connecting Thrive Leads to your email marketing service, like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, or AWeber. This is easy to do from the Thrive Dashboard. Go to "Thrive Leads," pick the opt-in form you made, and connect it to your email platform.

Set Up an Automated Email Sequence

In your email platform, create an automated email sequence. The first email should include a link to download the lead magnet. Set it up so the email is sent immediately after someone subscribes. This quick delivery keeps your new lead engaged.

Customize Your Delivery Email

Personalization matters. Customize your email with the subscriber’s name and a thank-you note. Make sure the download link is clear and easy to find. Keep the email simple and focused.

Test the Automation

Before you go live, test the process. Sign up with a test email to check how fast the lead magnet is delivered and how the email looks on different devices. Fix any issues before your audience starts signing up.

Ensuring a Smooth User Experience

A smooth user experience is key to making a good impression and encouraging further engagement. Here’s how to make sure users have a hassle-free experience when accessing your lead magnet.

Mobile Responsiveness

Many people will access your lead magnet on their phones. Ensure your delivery emails and the lead magnet itself are mobile-friendly. Thrive Architect’s templates are designed to be responsive, but it’s a good idea to double-check how everything looks on mobile.

Simplify the Download Process

Make it easy for users to download the lead magnet. Provide a direct download link in your email, and avoid extra steps like asking them to re-enter their information. Fewer clicks mean less friction and a better chance they'll engage with your content.

Follow Up with Value

After delivering the lead magnet, set up a follow-up sequence to keep users interested. This could include more resources, tips related to the lead magnet, or a gentle push towards your products or services. Consistently providing value helps build trust and keeps your audience engaged.

Monitor and Optimize

Finally, track how well your lead magnet is doing. Use analytics from your email marketing service and Thrive Leads to monitor open rates, clicks, and downloads. Use this data to make improvements and increase engagement.

Measuring Success and Optimization

Creating a lead magnet is just the start. To make sure it's doing its job, you need to track how it's performing and keep improving it.

Thrive Themes has tools that make this easy and based on real data. Here’s how you can measure success and tweak your lead magnet for better results.

How to Track Lead Magnet Performance Using Thrive Themes?

Use Thrive Leads Reporting

Thrive Leads gives you detailed reports on how your opt-in forms are doing. You can see important stats like conversion rates, impressions, and the number of leads you’ve gained.

A/B Testing with Thrive Optimize

Thrive Optimize lets you run A/B tests on your landing pages and opt-in forms. By trying out different versions of your lead magnet, you can figure out which elements (like headlines, images, or calls to action) work best with your audience.

Monitor Engagement Metrics

It’s not just about sign-ups—you should also see how users interact with the lead magnet after they download it. For example, if your lead magnet is a PDF, you can use tools like Google Analytics to track how often it’s opened or downloaded.

Check Email Campaign Performance

If your lead magnet is sent via email, keep an eye on how that email is performing. Look at metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and how often the lead magnet is downloaded. These numbers show how well your email is getting people to engage with your lead magnet.

Optimizing Your Lead Magnet for Better Performance

Once you have some data, it’s time to use it to make your lead magnet even better.

Refine Your Targeting

Use the data from Thrive Leads to fine-tune who sees your opt-in forms. If certain groups are converting better than others, focus more on them. 

Adjust the targeting settings in Thrive Leads so your lead magnet reaches users based on their behavior, demographics, or how they’ve interacted with your site before.

Improve Content Based on Feedback

If users say your lead magnet is too long, too short, or not quite what they expected, make some changes. This could mean breaking a long eBook into smaller guides or adding more actionable tips to a checklist.

Optimize Delivery and Follow-Up

If you notice that users are dropping off before downloading the lead magnet, try making the delivery process simpler. Make sure your follow-up emails are clear and provide easy access to the lead magnet.

You might also want to add a follow-up sequence to keep nurturing leads who downloaded the content but haven’t engaged much yet.

Keep Testing and Iterating

Optimization is an ongoing process. Regularly revisit your A/B tests, try new ideas, and stay on top of what the data is telling you. Thrive Themes makes it easy to make changes and see the results quickly, so you can keep improving your approach.


Thrive Themes is a great tool for creating and managing lead magnets. It makes the process easy, even if you're not tech-savvy. 

Thrive Themes is a valuable tool for sales teams, marketers, and businesses that want to capture leads effectively and turn them into loyal customers.

Lead Magnets