Aug 12, 2024
min Read

One Pager Layout Guide: Crafting the Perfect Pitch

Andrew Mewborn
Aug 12, 2024

Have you heard the saying, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression"? This is especially true in sales.

When you pitch to a potential client or present to stakeholders, the way you introduce your product or service sets the stage. That's why having a good one-pager is so important.

A one-pager is just that—a single page that sums up the key details about your product, service, or company.

Think of it as your elevator pitch on paper. It needs to catch the eye and quickly show the value of what you're offering. In a world where people have short attention spans, a clear and catchy one-pager is key to doing well in sales and marketing.

By the end of this blog, you'll learn how to structure and design the perfect one-pager. So let’s get started!

What is a One-Pager?

A one-pager is a single sheet that includes all the important details about a product, service, or company. It's a quick reference that showcases the main points simply and clearly. 

The main reason to use a one-pager is to share key information fast. People looking at your product or service might not have time to go through long documents or presentations.

A good one-pager gives them what they need to know right away. It should be both helpful and convincing, starting conversations and answering basic questions.

One-pagers are very useful and can be adapted for many situations. Here are a few ways you can use them:

  • Product Overviews: A one-pager can list the top features and benefits of a product. This helps potential buyers understand what the product does and why it’s useful.
  • Service Offerings: If you have a service-based business, a one-pager can highlight what you offer and what makes you different from others.
  • Company Profiles: When you’re introducing your company to possible clients or partners, a one-pager can quickly share who you are, what you do, and what makes you special.

Why is a Well-Designed One Pager Important?

First Impressions

In sales, making a good first impression is crucial. A one-pager that looks neat and professional shows that you mean business. 

A messy or badly designed one-pager might make you look disorganized or not serious. The design is the first thing people see, so it should be positive and striking.

Clarity and Focus

Your one-pager should be easy to read and get straight to the point. This means clear language and a smart layout that leads the reader through the information.

Don’t put too much on one page. Stick to the essentials that your audience cares about. Using bullet points, titles, and brief paragraphs can help keep the information easy to understand.

Brand Consistency

Your one-pager should match your brand’s style. This includes using your brand’s colors, fonts, and logo.

Keeping a consistent look in all your sales materials builds trust and makes your brand more recognizable. When people see the same style across different items, it strengthens your brand’s image and helps them remember you.

What are the Key Elements of the Perfect One-Pager Layout?


The header should include:

Company Logo

Your logo is more than just a graphic; it’s a symbol of your brand. Placing your logo at the top of your one-pager reinforces brand recognition. 

It helps the reader immediately identify who the content is coming from, which is key in building trust and familiarity.


The title is your first chance to grab attention. It should be clear, straightforward, and give a quick idea of what the one-pager is about. 

Avoid vague or overly clever titles—stick to something that tells the reader exactly what they’re going to learn or gain.


While not always necessary, a tagline or slogan can add an extra punch to your one-pager. If you have a tagline that encapsulates your brand or the specific message of the one-pager, this is a good place to use it. Keep it short and memorable.


The introduction and overview should have:

Brief Description

Start your one-pager with a brief description that sums up your value proposition in just 2-3 sentences. 

This is your elevator pitch in written form. It should be concise and to the point, clearly stating what you offer and why it matters to the reader.

Core Message

Make sure your brief description aligns with the reader’s needs. Think about what problem they’re facing and how your product or service can solve it. 

Your core message should resonate with them, making them want to learn more.

Main Body

The main body of your one pager should have: 

Visual Hierarchy

Organizing information is crucial to making your one-pager easy to read. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to create a visual hierarchy that guides the reader’s eye through the content.

This approach helps break down the information into bite-sized pieces, making it more digestible.


Include these sections:

  • Problem Statement: Start by identifying the pain point your product or service addresses. This helps the reader relate to the issue and see the relevance of your offering.
  • Solution Overview: Follow up with a brief overview of how your product or service solves the problem. Highlight the key features or benefits that make your solution stand out.
  • Data/Statistics: Adding numbers can make your case more compelling. Use relevant data or statistics to back up your claims and add credibility to your one-pager.
  • Testimonials/Case Studies: People trust real-world examples. Include a short testimonial or a brief case study to show how others have benefited from your product or service. This builds trust and can make your offering more relatable.


The design of your one-pager plays a big role in how well the information is received. Use white space to avoid clutter and make the content easier to read. 

Choose fonts that are clean and legible. Stick to a color scheme that aligns with your brand while also making sure the content is easy on the eyes.

Call to Action (CTA)

Your CTA is where you guide the reader on what to do next. Place it where the reader’s eye naturally goes after they’ve absorbed the main content, often near the bottom or alongside a key section.

Tailor your CTA to fit the audience and the purpose of your one-pager. For instance, if you’re promoting a product, a CTA like “Schedule a Demo” can work well. If it’s about getting in touch, “Contact Us” is straightforward and effective.


The footer should include:

Contact Information

Make it easy for people to reach you. Include your phone number, email, or any other contact details they might need. 

If possible, offer multiple ways to get in touch, so the reader can choose the method they’re most comfortable with.

Social Proof

If you have social media links, awards, or recognitions that add credibility, consider including them here. 

While not mandatory, these elements can reinforce trust and show that others recognize the value of what you’re offering.

Tools and Templates for Creating a One-Pager

Making a one-pager doesn't need to be hard if you have the right tools. Here are some easy-to-use design programs:

  • Distribute: Distribute not only offers design tools but also has specific templates geared toward sales and marketing. It’s particularly useful for creating one-pagers that are consistent with your other sales materials, thanks to its focus on branding and ease of use.
  • Canva: Canva is popular for a reason. It’s simple to use, with drag-and-drop features and a wide variety of templates. You can easily customize colors, fonts, and images to match your brand.
  • Adobe Spark: If you’re looking for something a bit more sophisticated but still accessible, Adobe Spark is a great option. It offers more advanced features while still being user-friendly, making it a good choice for those who want a bit more control over their design.

Using a template can save you time and help your one-pager look professional.

Distribute has templates made for sales and marketing. But remember to make changes to the template to show off your brand's style. A unique one-pager will grab more attention than a generic one.

Should You Make Your One-Pager Yourself or Hire a Professional?

If you have a clear vision and the tools mentioned above, DIY can be a good route. This option is budget-friendly and allows for quick updates. It’s ideal for simple one-pagers that need to get done fast.

If your one-pager is for a high-stakes presentation or needs a more polished look, it might be worth investing in a professional designer. They can make sure your one-pager looks amazing and shares your message well.

Hire a professional if your brand's image is important or if the design is too complicated for DIY tools.


Creating a great one-pager is more than just putting information on a page. It's about sharing your main message clearly and in a way that looks good.

Think about your reader as you make your one-pager. Your content should focus on what they need and like. Use simple words, clear pictures, and a layout that's easy to follow. 

Remember, keeping it simple is best—don't fill the page with too much information. Just focus on the most important points.

Now that you know how to make a good one-pager, go ahead and start. Use Distribute for the best one pagers!

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