Jul 15, 2024
min Read

What is Video for Sales & Why is it Essential for Success?

Andrew Mewborn
Jul 15, 2024

I still remember the first time I got a video email from a salesperson. It was just a simple, friendly hello, but it really stood out. It felt like I was meeting the person, not just reading another bland email. That’s how video grabs you—it feels personal, draws you in, and sticks with you.

Sales teams and marketers are always trying to stand out from the endless stream of emails, ads, and social media posts that flood our inboxes and feeds every day. It’s super easy to get lost in all that noise, and old-school methods often don't cut it anymore.

Now, let’s see how video for sales impacts the success of sales teams and marketers.

What is Video in Sales?

Video really grabs people's attention more than just text. Watching a video is like chatting with someone. It feels personal and direct. 

When customers see and hear you, they tend to trust you more. Text gives information, but video brings a human touch.

Why Sales Video Works?

People are visual creatures. We process images and videos faster than text.

Studies show that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to just 10% when reading it in text. That’s a huge difference!

Video also allows you to showcase emotions, tone, and body language. These elements are crucial for building rapport and trust

A smiling face or a confident voice can make your message more persuasive and relatable.

What is Video Prospecting?

Video prospecting is a game-changer in sales. Instead of sending cold emails, you can send personalized video messages. This approach makes your outreach more appealing and less intrusive.

Imagine opening an email and seeing a short video tailored just for you. It feels special and grabs your attention right away.

With video, you can introduce yourself, explain your product, and address potential concerns all in one go. It’s like having a face-to-face meeting without the hassle of scheduling one.

Why You Should Use Video for Sales?

Videos can create a personal connection, show off products, and reach more people quickly. Here’s why you should think about using video in your sales strategy.

Personal Connection

Videos make sales feel more human. When customers see and hear you, they feel like they know you. This personal touch builds trust.

Instead of reading a faceless email, your customers see the real person behind the message. This can turn a prospect into a loyal customer.

Showcasing Products

Videos are great for showing off your products. You can show features and benefits in a way that text and images can’t.

Imagine trying to describe how a gadget works versus showing it in action. With video, customers see the product in use, understand its benefits, and visualize how it fits into their lives.

This clarity can drive sales and reduce returns because customers know exactly what they’re getting.

Efficiency and Reach

One of the biggest advantages of video is its ability to reach a large audience quickly. A single video can be shared across many platforms, reaching thousands of potential customers fast.

Plus, videos can be watched anytime, anywhere, giving your message a longer shelf life. It’s a time-saver for you and a convenience for your customers.

What are the Types of Sales Videos (with examples)?

Videos can help in different ways during sales. Each type of video meets specific needs and stages of the customer journey. Let’s look at some common sales videos and how to use them.

Introduction Videos

These are quick company intros. Think of them as your digital handshake. They help you make a great first impression and show potential customers who you are and what you do.

Distribute's Welcome Video template. This template is great for a warm, friendly intro that starts a positive relationship.

Product Demos

Product demo videos give a detailed look at your product's features and benefits. They show how your product works and solves problems. This type of video is important for complex products that need more explanation.

Distribute's Product Walkthrough Video template. This template helps you highlight key features and show your product in action.


Customer testimonial videos share reviews and stories from happy customers. They build trust and credibility by letting potential customers hear real experiences. Testimonials are strong social proof that can push prospects to buy.

Instructional Videos

Instructional videos, or how-tos, give useful information on how to use your product. They help customers get the most out of your product, reducing frustration and increasing satisfaction. These videos are great for onboarding new users or showing advanced features.

FAQ Videos

FAQ videos answer common customer questions. They are a proactive way to clear up doubts and objections. By giving clear answers, you help customers make informed decisions faster.

Distribute's FAQ Video template. This template helps you quickly and effectively answer your customers' most common questions.

What Tool and Resources to Use for Sales Video Creation?

Distribute offers a full set of tools to make video creation easy for sales teams. Here’s how Distribute can help you:

  • Video Prospecting Tools: Distribute's tools let you create personalized video messages for potential clients. They are easy to use, so anyone can make high-quality videos.
  • Custom Video Templates: Distribute provides various templates to enhance your sales pitch. For example, the FAQ Video template quickly addresses common customer questions.
  • Integration with CRM and Calendar Apps: Distribute integrates with CRM systems and calendar apps. This keeps your video outreach in sync with your sales process, helping you track interactions and manage follow-ups efficiently.
  • Advanced Analytics: Distribute tracks how clients interact with your videos, giving insights into what content works best. This data helps you refine your video strategy and improve engagement.


Using videos in your sales strategy has many benefits. Videos create a personal connection with your customers, making them feel engaged and valued. 

They also show your products in action, letting buyers see features and benefits clearly. Plus, videos can reach a wide audience quickly, saving you time and increasing your outreach.

Videos are not just a trend; they are a powerful tool for better communication with customers. They help explain complex information easily, build trust, and drive more sales.

If you haven't started using videos in your sales process, now is a good time to start. Try different types of sales videos. Use tools like Distribute to make the process easier and more effective.

Give it a try and see how videos can improve your sales. Start small, learn from feedback, and add more videos over time. The results might surprise you.

Video Prospecting